A 3-Step Plan to Prep Your Brand for Post-Pandemic Success

A 3-step plan to prep your brand for post-pandemic success

While none of us know for sure what our “normal” society will look like post-pandemic, the most successful brands are preparing now for their eventual return to business as usual. One of the best ways to do this is by creating a roadmap your brand can use as its guiding light.

Assist and Assure

This doesn’t have to be a massive production. Your customers just want to know that you care and that you have a plan for returning to some version of normalcy and, more importantly, that you have a heart. 

In fact, a recent Edelman study found that one in three consumers had already stopped buying a brand they believed had not done the right thing during this pandemic. Furthermore, 71% of people said that if a brand was putting profit before people during this time, they would lose consumer trust forever.

So in this phase, don’t just consider what marketing steps you are taking during this time, but also what you haven’t done yet and maybe should. Even just an empathetic email to your loyal customers will go a long way in cultivating their trust. 


Look for Recovery Indicators

Specific indicators will signify when a sense of normalcy is returning to your industry, and thus, when the time comes for you to pivot back to sales mode. For example, retailers may look for stores beginning to re-open in certain countries and cities, while restaurant chains may look at government policy easing up on social distancing. 

Decide what indicators are most relevant to your brand and keep a keen eye out for signs of movement therein. Once these markers show signs of improvement, you can begin actively marketing your goods and services to your consumers again.


Adopt a Growth-Hacking Mindset

Before Covid-19, your brand had lofty goals. Whether there was a new consumer group you wanted to attract, a new vertical you wanted to get into, or a new service you wanted to offer the market, it’s time to start pursuing those goals once more. And while you should never compromise when it comes to chasing after your goals, be open to experimenting, looking for alternate solutions, and focusing on progression over perfection.

Take some time to map out your goals, ideas for how to achieve them in this current state, and then create a timeline with realistic targets. 

Above all, remember that history is being written in real-time, and as a brand, you must mobilize and adopt a growth-hacking mindset as this shift is happening. Focusing on the above suggestions will have an exponential effect and, in some cases, will decide whether or not your brand survives or thrives in a post-COVID-19 world.

Need help preparing your brand for post-pandemic success? We’ve helped many businesses like yours form robust brand strategies, and most importantly, we understand what you’re going through because we are also a small business that is navigating these uncharted waters. Reach out to us at info@clovercollective.com for a consultation on how you can prepare now for success post-pandemic. 


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